Saturday, March 19, 2011

Grilled vs. Fried

I've had a long term dillema with choosing between grilled or fried. Honestly, nothing sounds tasty about grilled. All I hear is healthy, healthy, healthy. Now fried on the other hand is absolutely delicious sounding. I hear crispy yumminess. It comes down to healthy versus tasty. Example #1, the Chick Fil-A Grilled Chicken Sandwich versus the Fried Chicken Sandwich. There's no competition, fried wins. After looking up the nutrition facts it's obvious that their Grilled sandwich is so much better for you. I've made an real effort to like it, I even got it on a white bread bun instead hoping that it would be more appealing. It's not working. I've come to terms with I'm always going to like fried better, but it doesn't have to be the ultimate choice. Just because I go with grilled, doesn't mean I have to feel unsatisfied and sacrifice taste. So, I'm on the search now for a health tasty grilled chicken recipe that has me coming back for more. There's got to be one out there. I'll keep you posted, it may be a while.

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